There are some reasons many people still love buying from Taobao sellers instead of Tmall sellers. One of these reason is the ability to use Tao Jin Bi to save even money money, which can be used together with any coupons the seller provides. This guide will show you how to get Tao Jin Bi, and how to use them to save money on Taobao.
As an example, we are going to use these carabiners (again) to demostrate how to save money on Taobao with Tao Jin Bi. We will also give more examples where Tao Jin Bi can be used to save up to 50% of an item's price. It is important to note that not every Taobao seller offers the use of Tao Jin Bi, and you will learn how to see if an items offers the use of Tao Jin Bi to reduce its price. Below is an example of an item which Tao Jin Bi can be used to reduce price, in this case, 2% of its total price.
When you check out the item in the shopping cart, there is an option for you to use Tao Jin Bi to reduce the item's cost. You can choose to use Tao Jin Bi by toggling the On switch, as shown below.
The item's cost would immediately reduce in the checkout price as shown below.
Since Tao Jin Bi are so useful, this guide will also teach you how to get some.
You can get some Tao Jin Bi just by opening the Taobao App and tapping to get Tao Jin Bi daily. The first day starts at 5 coins, but it will increase every day you collect. On every 7th day of collecting, you will receive a bonus of 35 coins. To grab some Tao Jin Bi, tap the 'Tao Jin Bi' button on the main screen of the app as shown below.
You can collect your daily login Tao Jin Bi by tapping on the chest as shown below. Pictures for collecting Tao Jin Bi can change occassionally, especially if there is an event in Taobao going on.
After collecting your daily login Tao Jin Bi, you can collect even more Tao Jin Bi by tapping on the 'Daily Quests' button as shown below.
On this screen you can find daily to-dos for getting more Tao Jin Bi. There are a few recommended to-dos, and the ones we do not recommend in this guide usually requires your personal information to sign up, or need to pay a small fee for getting the Tao Jin Bi. The first one is to tap on this button to look at cheap Taobao items for 5 seconds, after which you will get 5 Tao Jin Bi.
Scroll down the daily quests screen, and you will find some shops which offer Tao Jin Bi just to see what they have on offer. Usually these shops are picked from similar shops which you have bought an item from or have recently search items for. Tap on the 'Collect +5 Tao Jin Bi' to get 5 Tao Jin Bi per shop you visit in this way.
You can find a list of items which gives you Tao Jin Bi after you bought them. There is an entire list of such items in the Tao Jin Bi screen. For example, if you bought the mouse as highlighted, you will be given 26 Tao Jin Bi upon automatic confirmation of you receiving the item.
This is a list of deals which most people do not know about, to get items of 30% to 50% off the price of the item using Tao Jin Bi. The items usually refresh every day, and you can get really good deals here. Tap on the 'Super Savers' tab as shown in the picture below to see a list of items with at least 30% off with the use of Tao Jin Bi.
When you tap into the 'Super Savers' tab, a list of items which can have up to 50% of their price deducted using Tao Jin Bi will appear. Scroll down to see if there is any item that catches your fancy, and you can just tap on any item that interests you.
Note that however, if you do not have enough Tao Jin Bi to reduce the price, the item will appear to you as having the original price without the Tao Jin Bi discount.
Congratulations! You have learnt how to collect and use Tao Jin Bi to save money on Taobao!