Some time has passed since you have received and rated the item you bought from Taobao. After using the item for some amount of time, you want to give a new perspective of how the item works to other buyers, whether the item is still working well, or is there any flaws or defects discovered in the item. Taobao's additional review and comment system allows you to rate an item up to 90 days after you have received the item. Below is a step-by-step guide on how to give additional comments and reviews for an item.
From your My Taobao pane, you can find items to give additional comments on. Tap on the "All items" button as shown in the picture below.
Find the item you want to give additional comment and review on. If you do not see the item, scroll down your orders to find the item. Once you have found your item, tap on the "Give additional review" button as shown below.
You can input or copy and paste any additional comments for the item or the seller in the space marked 'a'. Tap on 'b' to upload a picture from your photo gallery or take a picture for uploading, and 'c' to take and upload a video. For more information on uploading pictures and videos, check out the rating a Taobao seller guide. Sample words and phrases for commenting on an item or the seller can be found here.
Once you have completed the review, tap the 'Post' button to upload your review.
If you have already done an additional review for an item, you cannot do it again. The item will then show up similarly to the picture below.
Remember you have 90 days to write an additional review for any item after you have reviewed it for the first time!