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Problems shipping items after they arrived at shipping warehouse

After you order your items, you eagerly await the arrival of these items at the shipping warehouse. If you are unsure of what to do when your item arrives at the shipping warehouse, we have a guide to shipping and consolidating your items. However, when your items arrive at the shipping warehouse, you know that something is wrong bacause you do not see a familiar "Consolidate and ship" button. This is usually due to a case of the shipping warehouse receiving a "ownerless" package. Below is a step-by-step guide to claiming your package under your name and make it available for shipping to you.

Important pre-requisites: You need to have at least 1 other order of items which has arrived at the warehouse and is ready to be shipped.

Step 1: Checking that your items can be shipped normally.

Tap on the "Shipping Command Center" button, which looks like a green form, as shown below to access your account details screen. Note: In newer version of the app, it says 物流中心, but the picture remains the same.

Tap to access Taobao shipping command

Tap on the "Awaiting Consolidated Shipping" button, as shown below.

Taobao awaiting consolidated shipping button

Tap on your shipping vendor name as shown below. The shipping vendor icon and name on your screen would change depending on the shipping vendor you selected.

Access shipping vendor for consolidating items

Check that your item has not appeared on the shipping items' list.

Checking item has not appeared on shippable items

Tap on the back button until you are back at the main screen of Taobao App. Tap on the "My Account" button, as shown below.

Tap to access your account

Check to see if your item has the "Confirm delivery" button, instead of the "Consolidate and Ship" button, as shown in the picture below, if you have not shipped out the item to your address.

Check item confirm delivery

Check on the delivery status of your items to ensure that it has actually arrived at the shipping warehouse by tapping on the "Check order status" button as shown below.

Check item order status

If you see a status similar to one of the two statuses below, it means your item has arrived at the warehouse, but you are unable to ship it normally. The item status message depends on the shipping vendor you are using.

Item order status message

Copy the shipping number of your item by tapping the copy button, as shown below. You will need this number later on when contacting the shipping warehouse vendor support staff. This number is different from your Taobao Order number.

Copy item shipping number Taobao

Step 2: Contacting the Shipping Vendor.

Navigate back to the Shipping Command center screen. Tap on the "Change country" button as shown below.

Search on Taobao App with translated chinese words

Ensure that "Global" is selected, then tap on the Confirm button, as shown below.

Selecting Global region

Tap on the contact Shipping Vendor staff button as shown below.

Contact Taobao shipping vendor staff

A whole list of countries and regions with different shipping vendors will appear. Scroll down to find your country or region and shipping vendor name. Tap on the shipping vendor corresponding to your country or region.

Find country and shipping vendor

You will need to provide your shipping number to the customer service staff here. Your screen may be different depending on the shipping vendor you chose. Tap on the textbox as shown below to type to the customer service staff. Here is a list of sample chat lines to communicate with the customer service staff.

Communicate with Taobao shipping vendor customer service

If the communication went well, the weight of your items which was previously unshippable will be added to one of your existing items which can be shipped normally. The weight addition process would take up to 24 hours. Now you can ship all your items normally to your address. Note: The text on your order's "Consolidate and ship" button will remain the same, but now your shipment will consist of the previously unshippable items.